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© 2025. Diabetes UK. Diabetes UK Services Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales under no.891004 with registered office at Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London, E1 1FH for The British Diabetic Association (operating as Diabetes UK) a charity registered in England & Wales (no. 215199) and in Scotland (no. SC039136).
Cost charge price £4.86. The cost can change.
Quality 100 per cent cotton blue t-shirt with the Diabetes UK logo printed on front on and Diabetes is relentless. So are we; on the back.
The t-shirts are unisex.
Small: Chest 95-100 (cm)
Medium: Chest 105-110 (cm)
Large: Chest 110-115 (cm)
X Large: Chest 115-120 (cm)
XX Large: Chest 120-125 (cm)
XXX Large: Chest 125-130 (cm)