Product Code: 4SIPN324H
Our standard delivery service is normally 3-5 working days.
Some products may be sent out direct from the supplier or another fulfilment house. They will be delivered under separate cover and despatched within 3-5 working days. Please note that these items may also take longer to arrive and we are unable to offer tracked delivery or next day delivery on these products.
Delivery does not apply to download only products.
Due to financial constraints placed on the cost of overseas delivery unfortunately we don’t currently offer this service.
To see full delivery and returns details please click here.
© 2024. Diabetes UK. Diabetes UK Services Limited, a limited company registered in England and Wales under no.891004 with registered office at Wells Lawrence House, 126 Back Church Lane, London, E1 1FH for The British Diabetic Association (operating as Diabetes UK) a charity registered in England & Wales (no. 215199) and in Scotland (no. SC039136).
Our standard delivery service is normally 3-5 working days.
Some products may be sent out direct from the supplier or another fulfilment house. They will be delivered under separate cover and despatched within 3-5 working days. Please note that these items may also take longer to arrive and we are unable to offer tracked delivery or next day delivery on these products.
Delivery does not apply to download only products.
Due to financial constraints placed on the cost of overseas delivery unfortunately we don’t currently offer this service.
To see full delivery and returns details please click here.